Monday 5 April 2010

It's all downhill from here...

So, we are now officially into the taper period, that bit just before the race where you don't do too much training so that you're nice and fresh for race day. There's slightly less than three weeks to go and we're on course for our big challenge.

James actually went to see the knee medic about his knee. The conclusion was that he has an injured knee. He's tried running on it a few times and it's still hurting quite a lot, so he's going to take it easy up to race day and hope it will hold up for the marathon distance - he's sure it will, just don't expect him to be able to walk for some time afterwards!

We've just started house-hunting, so today I ran 11 miles up and down the Harringay Ladder which, to the uninitiated, is an area of London where the streets look like a ladder on the map, climbing up out of Finsbury Park. I hadn't quite reckoned on how hilly it was going to be - the two side pieces of the ladder (do they have a name? I'm sure they ought to, but I don't know what it is) are at completely different elevations, meaning that all the "rungs" (now, I do know that word!) go uphill or downhill, depending which direction you are going in, obviously. The method in my madness was to take a look from the outside at a couple of houses we had seen for sale on the internet and see what else was out there. I'm sure the local residents were wondering what I was doing - it must have looked a bit odd. I was also competing for pavement space with a few door-to-door charity collectors, some of whom I passed several times (yes, I was going considerably faster than them, but I ran the ladder twice!)

We would still love to raise tome more money - you can do that by going to this site.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the marathon!

    Harringay Online
    Harringay's award-winning neighbourhood website
