Tuesday 30 March 2010

Beware the Knee of Doom

First, the good news (and exceedingly good news it is!) - we have hit the £2k mark and our fundraising total currently stands at £2,055.33. For this I must say a big thank you to my parents for organising an army of sponsors and helping them to put their sponsorship onto our fundraising page. Ta Ma & Pa. Of course, thanks also to everyone else who has sponsored us!

The bad news is that James has hurt his knee. It isn't even Man Knee (or whatever the patellar equivalent of Man Flu is). In fact, it is so bad that he is going to see the physio on Friday. We are hoping, of course, that the physio will say "stop being a wuss and get on with it", but the worst case scenario is that I will beat James in the marathon because he will have to jog/walk/crawl. If, on the other hand, the physio says he will be fine to run the marathon so long as he doesn't run for the next two weeks, I will then face the prospect of doing "the 20-miler" on my own. This is quite a daunting prospect, even though I ran all the way to Ikea on my own at the weekend. I bought a nice bath mat in a lovely sage green colour. Running to somewhere in particular is actually quite a good way to get around. I didn't beat the bus to Ikea or anything, but it wasn't that much slower really. I'm not sure where I will go for my 20 mile run. I'm quite tempted to get public transport to somewhere 20 miles away and just run home so I can then immediately sit on my lovely new sofa (if I can get the cat off it - he seems to think we bought it especially for him!)

I think that's all for now - updates on "Kneegate" will be forthcoming toward the end of the week - and, in the meantime, if you would like to sponsor James' knee to get better, please visit our fundraising page!

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