Thursday 11 February 2010

Marathon update with inane rambalings about tea and oranges

We are now 73/2 days, depending how you count(correctly or not), away from marathon day. At this point on marathon day I expect to be hating the world and wishing I had never got a place. If I am on target for 10 or 11 min miles at this point on marathon day then I should be ....(let me work this out)....about 4 hours 15 or ~ 24 miles in and about to go down towards the finish. The thought of all this still fills me with a kind of fear nay dread, yet the excitement won't go away.

On Sunday we ran 16 miles, which reminds me I have to grab my tea and an orange, in separate containers; I am not that wyrd. But they could be great together....? Back in a bit. While carrying those back to the laptop I navigate my way round the hoover and countless other things I had foolishly left in the middle of the floor. Anyway back to what I was saying.... On Sunday we covered 16 miles, both of us in new trainers, me because the merchandising at Meet The Experts worked on me and BB because her last pair died, a most terrible death. Mine gave me a blister and BB's were great.

In other news we are a couple of weeks away from running our first proper half-marathon, the Sussex Beacon Half-Marathon. And a bit more away from running the Kilomathon which should be fun/painful. Nom, Nom, Nom orange washed down with tea is really tasty. If exceptionally sweet, I got some tasty oranges form the Cypriot shop in Haringey.

16 miles last week, then 6 next week; before the half marathon, then back up towards the 16, 8, 16.3 (kilomathon), then 18, 10, 20, 12, 8, !!!!26.2!!!!

I will try to keep things updated here.....

Also our new bed arrived and it is great :)

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