Thursday 18 February 2010

I hate the first 2 miles

Went out and covered 5.2 miles today, as usual the first 2 miles were hellish. Thankfully after a January of not being able to run properly, I get into my stride now after the first couple of rather horrible miles. Shin splints, random pains, excessive effort to keep going forward; but after the 2 mile mark it all seems to click. Hopefully on Sunday it will all be fine after those most hated 2 miles.

As I was saying I went out and covered 5.2 miles today. The first 4, at hoped for half marathon pace, involved running: round the back of the prison; up the hill to Tuffnel park tube station; then up the hill again, to the pub where we turn down towards the heath; into the heath; up parliament hill, back down to the duck ponds; round the duck ponds and back to Tuffnel park, all in 40 min dead on. I was very impressed I had managed to average 10 min/mile pace the whole way; in the drizzle that would be more appropriate in Manchester. The 10 min/mile pace was important today as that is the pace at which I hope to complete the Brighton half on Sunday. If I can do this then that means 11 min/mile pace should be achievable for the marathon.

I then did a few stretches to revive my legs. When I looked down at my legs there was a haze rising from them due to the humidity in the air and the damp clothing; it was a most strange sight. After the stretches and the marvelling at water vapour I headed back home at 11 min/mile pace for the last 1.2 miles.

I have often said that I hate running in the rain, but today running along the top of parliament hill in the rain in a mostly empty park was a great feeling. Probably linked to oxygen deprivation and beta-endorphins, but whatever the reason it felt nice for a few seconds, then the reality of the pain and the rain crept back in round the edges.

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