Monday 25 January 2010

On parks and insatiable hunger

So we did make it to Sarita's house two weeks ago, and how wonderful it was to be greeted by a glass of champagne! Eleven miles is a very long way and it was still a bit icy underfoot in places. The next week was a cutback week, meaning we had to run "just" 8 miles at the weekend; we finished that run in the excellent Lockside Lounge in Camden Market - they do the most wonderful chicken, chorizo and olive pie with mashed potato and gravy (a recipe I'm happy to say we've stolen for home, but we still go there to have someone else make it for us once in a while!)

This past weekend, we ran to the Coal Hole on the Strand. We couldn't decide which park to run around, so we ran round all of them - Holloway to the Coal Hole via Hampstead Heath, Regent's Park, Hyde Park, Green Park and St James's Park. Hyde Park was the low point, mentally, but after a quick stop to get some Sprite we were on our way to the finish line. As the crow flies, it's only about 4 miles from Holloway to the Strand, so it was amazing that our winding route had taken us 12 miles. TWELVE MILES! I can run TWELVE MILES!

Today I have been contemplating the insatiable hunger that seems to go along with the long runs. After our 12 miler on Saturday I had a cottage pie at the Coal Hole (the pub is in the corner of the Savoy building, and it was not lost on me that they served the pie with Savoy cabbage!) and chips. Then I had pasta and sauce for dinner. I was monumentally hungry all day on Sunday (and ate enough to satisfy that hunger on a normal day) and now writing this close to lunchtime on Monday, I find that I could eat a horse (if I had one, which I don't).

A post-run cup of tea has become another institution (apart from eating pie) we seem to have adoped on our weekend runs - we were sitting in the Coal Hole on Saturday having drunk some soft drinks, wondering why we didn't really feel any better, when I remembered the restorative qualities of tea. After just about every other run we have had tea and I'm not sure whether it is a Pavlovian response or whether it really does make everything better, but either way it does the trick!

We are now up to £1,245 in our fundraising, so just about a quarter of the way to our target - please help us to get there by sponsoring us at


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